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Една от причините да обичам толкова Пловдив е, защото пролетта и лятото идват много по-рано тук. Май месец спокойно можеш да казваш "Жега ми е!" и да се кефиш, че не живееш в София. Отдавна съм изкарала сандалите и чехличките на предните рафтове и в този пост съм с най-най-любимите ми черни сандали с шипове на Zara. Изобщо не бих казала, че са перфектните за това облекло, но пък внасят точно толкова стилов контраст, колкото ми харесва. Някак си не мога да нося такава вталена пола 'pencil skirt' с прекалено нежни или елегантни обувки, независимо дали са с ток или без. А напоследък много ми харесва комбинацията на къса блузка и пола или панталон с висока талия. Никога не съм била фен на големите чанти, тази я поръчах от сайта на H&M с още няколко неща и я взех уж за пътувания, за да мога да си нося апарата и обективите в нея. Всъщност се оказа, че много ми допада и почти всеки ден съм с нея. Колието на врата ми е DIY проект лично творчество, много скъпо, продава се за 1 млн долара - обадете се сега! :P
One of the reasons I love Plovdiv so much is because spring and summer come earlier here. In May you can already say "I'm friggin hot!" and keep being happy that you don't live in Sofia. I took out the sandals long ago and these in the post here are my very favorite ones. Black sandals from Zara with a thick high heel and spikes on it. I can hardly say that they are perfect for this outfit but they do give me the perfect amount of style contrast just as I like it. Somehow I can't wear this kind of a pencil skirt with too feminine or elegant shoes, no matter if they're with heels or not. Lately I'm so into this combination of a crop top and high-waisted skirt or pants. I've never been a big fan of big bags but I ordered this one from H&M with some other things and I thought it'd be good to wear it on some trips so that the camera and the lens go in and there will still be place in there. Actually it turned out that I like it a lot and I grab it almost every day when I go out. The necklace is a DIY project, very expensive, you can have it now for just 1 mil dollars! Order now! :P
One of the reasons I love Plovdiv so much is because spring and summer come earlier here. In May you can already say "I'm friggin hot!" and keep being happy that you don't live in Sofia. I took out the sandals long ago and these in the post here are my very favorite ones. Black sandals from Zara with a thick high heel and spikes on it. I can hardly say that they are perfect for this outfit but they do give me the perfect amount of style contrast just as I like it. Somehow I can't wear this kind of a pencil skirt with too feminine or elegant shoes, no matter if they're with heels or not. Lately I'm so into this combination of a crop top and high-waisted skirt or pants. I've never been a big fan of big bags but I ordered this one from H&M with some other things and I thought it'd be good to wear it on some trips so that the camera and the lens go in and there will still be place in there. Actually it turned out that I like it a lot and I grab it almost every day when I go out. The necklace is a DIY project, very expensive, you can have it now for just 1 mil dollars! Order now! :P
Сандали / Sandals - Zara, Пола / Pencil skirt - Zara, Чанта / Bar - H&M, Блузка / Crop top - Bershka, Лак / Nail polish - Essie - тук / here
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