The baseball cap! / Шапката с козирка!
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И изобщо не става дума само да се придвижим до фитнеса с нея или да ни пази от яркото слънце. Бейзболната шапка или както ние си я знаем - шапката с козирка е един наистина готин аксесоар за ежедневието. Добавя равномерно количество небрежност и "cool" ефект! В Холивуд почти не е преставала да се носи, а модните любители все по-често посягат към нея като един завършващ облеклото аксесоар, който променя тотално цялата визия. Понякога е напълно изчистена, а друг път с бродерии, надписи, лого на любим спортен отбор. Да не забравяме, че изпълняват и една много важна роля да не губим време в прическата ако трябва много бързо да излезем. Ето шапките с козирка и комбинациите с тях в облеклото, които ми харесват. На вас допада ли ви тази тенденция?
And it's not just about getting yourself to the gym or hiding from the bright sun. The baseball cap is just an awesome fashion accessory for everyday even when you're not wearing anything sportive at all! It has an equal amount of casual tone and coolness! There's also some boyish badass effect that it brings and it's such a nice accessory. In Hollywood it never went out of style and the fashion lovers more often reach for the baseball cap as a finishing accessory to the outfit. It's cool how it totally changes the whole look. Sometimes monochromic, sometimes with embroideries, labels or sport logos. And let's not forget that it fullfills the role of not caring about your hair and be able to put it on and go out without wasting time on your hairstyle. Here is a selection of photos of some baseball caps and the outfit combinations with them that I like. Do you like this trend?
And it's not just about getting yourself to the gym or hiding from the bright sun. The baseball cap is just an awesome fashion accessory for everyday even when you're not wearing anything sportive at all! It has an equal amount of casual tone and coolness! There's also some boyish badass effect that it brings and it's such a nice accessory. In Hollywood it never went out of style and the fashion lovers more often reach for the baseball cap as a finishing accessory to the outfit. It's cool how it totally changes the whole look. Sometimes monochromic, sometimes with embroideries, labels or sport logos. And let's not forget that it fullfills the role of not caring about your hair and be able to put it on and go out without wasting time on your hairstyle. Here is a selection of photos of some baseball caps and the outfit combinations with them that I like. Do you like this trend?
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